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Our Story

Our mission is to offer the scientific market multi-wavelength LED microscopy illumination systems with each individual light source having the ability to be independently and simultaneously controlled. We believe that adjusting each wavelength individually can have a great impact on increasing the contrast and resolution of a microscopical image due to the properties of the sample (e.g. optimal absorption at certain wavelengths, plasmonic effects, etc). Simultaneous excitation with different wavelengths is also used for activating multiple fluorescent dies for life science samples.  


We strive to simplify our solutions  to the benefit of science.

Our Vision


Simplicity is in the DNA of our products.


Powerful, easy and intuitive instrument control


Opened to your ideas, and to offer custom products

We Support the Environment

The world’s trend is shifting away from wasteful incandescent, halogen, mercury based or harmful fluorescent lights and increasingly adopting light-emitting diode (LEDs) technology, with the aim of reducing carbon emissions.

Mercury lamps, once widely used in microscopy, present a high health hazard. When a mercury lamp is switched on, the mercury inside the lamp is vaporised, under a high degree of pressure. In the unfortunate situation of the explosion of such a bulb, the toxic vaporised mercury would be lost in the room, exposing individuals and contamination the work surfaces.

Incandescent light sources cause excessive heat and comparatively to an LED source have a much shorter life. Simply, they waste energy in a huge way.


We care about our environment!

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